Saturday, April 30, 2011

Matched Book Review
This was honestly one of the best books that I have ever read. The emotions portrayed in this novel were so raw and pure that it is hard not to fall in love with each and every character. This novel focuses on the idea of freedom and the ability to make decisions on our whether or not they lead to favorable outcomes. Cassia Reyes is shown her match but for a brief second another face shows up on the screen. A boy whom she knows but cannot possibly be her match due to the fact that he is an Aberration (a status in their society in which those individuals cannot ever be matched / married to others in the society. Cassia quickly falls in love with Ky but the ending is definitely not what you would expect. I was left in utter disbelief and am eagerly awaiting Ally Condie's next book, since this is only the first book in her three book series. This is a must read book! ♥♥♥♥♥ (5 hearts = top of my favorite book list)

1 comment:

  1. I just read this book and I thought that it was absolutely stunning. What would life be like if everything was decided for us, based on statistics and data? Ally Condie is a wonderful writer who makes us appreciate what we take for granted!
